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I haven't written here in a while, but I'm glad to be back for this entry. These days have been stranger than anything that my generation has ever seen. I really don't want to even name it. If you're reading this, then you already understand. Today, I had two awakenings: one in the morning from the night of rest in my bed, and another in my spirit. I looked at the colors of nature as it presented itself to me. I thought it quite interesting and funny that at a young age we are taught certain standards and benchmarks for identifying the elements of the world around us. Trees and grass are green. The sky is blue. Roses are red. How amazing is it then that I've seen roses that aren't red? I have seen orange, pink, and purple skies. I've seen multicolored trees. There is actually a red tree that I can see from my window. There isn't even a speck of green on it. I believe that you must experience life in order to know it. A book cannot give you what experie...

Shower Thoughts

As the day comes to an end, you turn on the shower. The water runs cold, so you wait. Several various thoughts float through your mind. Some thoughts linger longer than the ones before it or the ones that follow. The mirror reflects your image, but not your thoughts. Is that another mosquito bite? Ugh! You knew you should have bought the other brand of repellent. What's another dollar and five cents anyway? Wait. Isn't this the same one you used during your childhood? Can you "grow out of" mosquito repe...Snap out of it. The water is still running. You put a foot in to test the temperature. It's still getting there, but it's comfortable enough for you to step in. Within a few seconds it's perfect. You stand below the shower head and allow each bead of water to gently break on your skin. Suddenly, all of those thoughts have been silenced and your mind is clear. This is where you are meant to be right now; right here in this private place of perfection.

Even though other people use it, the shower is still a very personal space. When asked, a lot of people say that they sing in the shower, but are not comfortable singing in public. Someone outside of the bathroom door might be able to hear them, but the shower singer pays no mind to that possibility because they are alone and unseen in a space that they can call their own until the water stops. What I find amazing is that I'm the most basic and true version of myself during that time because I am completely naked. There is nothing except my body and the water. That's a very beautiful and simple connection.

We wear clothes most of the time. When we go outside, the sun's rays only touch the parts of us that our clothing does not cover. The wind isn't felt naturally because fabric diminishes it's cooling effect. We clothe ourselves for many different reasons. Many people wear special clothes to swim in and special clothes to sleep in. In the ocean or a pool, water surrounds us and we feel it through these special clothes, but it's a completely different feeling when there are no clothes. Water makes living possible. Life is in water. The time when we shower is when its entire truth and presence can be fully sensed and experienced. Why does it feel weird to be nude in most other settings that aren't the shower?

I did not intend for this post to be about nakedness, so on to the next part.

Showering is very symbolic to me. I like to think of all of my stress, worries, and troubles being washed away. It is a complete cleansing. The impact of the water on my body is more gentle than almost anything except air itself. It is always so comforting; even more than a hug. Crying in the shower almost means just making a strange face and noises because tears blend in with the other water. The shower is a perfect place to meditate and reconnect with myself.

When it's over, I feel new.



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