Hello again. I know it's been a while. Well, here I am. Read away.
I knew that I needed a change; not like a haircut or a new playlist. I needed a
major change and I had known that for quite a long time. Day after day passed by and I began to grow more intolerant of my situation all around. So I finally packed my bags and hopped on a train to a place far, far away. Somewhere around three-thousand miles and nearly four months later, here I am. I turned twenty-one the day I left.
I am seeing the world in a different way than I ever have before. This city is nothing like the place I grew up in. I grew up in a warm, friendly, safe suburb. My family knew all of our neighbors and they knew us. I would sometimes take evening strolls when it was dark out so that I could admire the night sky. There was no fear or worry about any danger. There was just peace and trust. I can see that I have been sheltered from a lot. Every single day, I see something bizarre and perhaps a bit frightening. Though I've not seen nearly all of it, I am not naive. That, I am sure of. I know that I've got a good head on my shoulders and I thank my parents for raising me with wisdom and discernment. There is no doubt that I still have a lot to learn though.
Sure, there are lots of scary things that I see on a daily basis, but I'm enjoying being here. As much as this is a weird, crazy place, it's a good place. So many wonderful experiences and opportunities have come my way since I've been here. Being in this stage of my life and learning who I am is almost like being a teenager again, only with more wisdom and the freedom that adulthood grants. Most days I laugh, and some days I cry. Most days I have a sense of familiarity, and some days I feel completely lost. I know it's corny, but it really is all about how you perceive it. Your outlook on the world has everything to do with your experience. Even though I get scared sometimes, I see everything as a learning moment and I continue on. These moments help me grow and work on myself. I've been challenged to check in with myself in some way or another every day. Maybe it's my empathy, maybe my willingness to forgive, maybe self-love.
Sometimes I must remind myself that I don't know what I'm doing. Yes, I'm typing on a keyboard, but I don't know what tomorrow brings. I don't know who I'll meet or what I'll say. I don't even know what I'm having for lunch tomorrow, but do I know that I'll be okay. Not knowing can be scary, but it makes the journey exciting. It's okay to not know. As long as you do your best each day and stay optimistic, you will be okay.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to share your story, experience, and/or thoughts in the comments below.
Until I write again,
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