

I haven't written here in a while, but I'm glad to be back for this entry. These days have been stranger than anything that my generation has ever seen. I really don't want to even name it. If you're reading this, then you already understand.

Today, I had two awakenings: one in the morning from the night of rest in my bed, and another in my spirit. I looked at the colors of nature as it presented itself to me. I thought it quite interesting and funny that at a young age we are taught certain standards and benchmarks for identifying the elements of the world around us. Trees and grass are green. The sky is blue. Roses are red. How amazing is it then that I've seen roses that aren't red? I have seen orange, pink, and purple skies. I've seen multicolored trees. There is actually a red tree that I can see from my window. There isn't even a speck of green on it. I believe that you must experience life in order to know it. A book cannot give you what experience can. What people tell you is not what your specific journey is. That is really valuable to me.

Having this knowledge (through my own life experience) has helped me to see that I am free if I say that I am. I am free since I know that I am. No one can take this freedom away from me. Not even people's judgment can hold me down. What other people have to say about my life when passing judgment doesn't even matter because I am the one living it and this is my journey. Having lived for a month shy of twenty-three years, I feel blessed to have arrived at this point. I feel relieved. I used to give so much of my energy to other people's unrealistic desires. In trying to fulfill them, I got hurt many times. Still, I learned and have even more to learn, but I am grateful for the places where my feet land.

Today, I live for myself. I'm here for me. I show up for me. This doesn't limit or decrease the love that I have for the world and the people in it. I am learning that I can love myself wholly and completely and still have room to give so much more. There are still whispers of the road behind me that tell me that this is too selfish to even think about. Well, I'm not listening to those whispers. I will let them blow away in the wind as I continue on.

This is becoming a longer post than I initially thought that it would be.

For about a month now, I've been free from social networks. No Instagram, no Facebook. I'm keeping strong connections with those who are close to me in other ways. This feels very good. Breaking away has granted me more peace and space for more wholesome things in my daily life. As the days pass by, my curiosity about what I could be "missing out on" dissipates more rapidly. Perhaps this is why I am no longer burdened by the events of this time. Every day is a beautiful gift that I am blessed to know. There are wonders to be explored.

May you find what you need.


"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds" - Bob


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