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I haven't written here in a while, but I'm glad to be back for this entry. These days have been stranger than anything that my generation has ever seen. I really don't want to even name it. If you're reading this, then you already understand. Today, I had two awakenings: one in the morning from the night of rest in my bed, and another in my spirit. I looked at the colors of nature as it presented itself to me. I thought it quite interesting and funny that at a young age we are taught certain standards and benchmarks for identifying the elements of the world around us. Trees and grass are green. The sky is blue. Roses are red. How amazing is it then that I've seen roses that aren't red? I have seen orange, pink, and purple skies. I've seen multicolored trees. There is actually a red tree that I can see from my window. There isn't even a speck of green on it. I believe that you must experience life in order to know it. A book cannot give you what experie...

The Mind's Playground #1

What if everything in our lives played out just as we planned it? What if we were incapable of feeling sad, angry, or afraid? Just think about that for a moment. Well first of all, I imagine that life would be incredibly monotonous. However, we would have no way of knowing or reacting to the the dullness of it because doing so would require the employment of a negative emotion; right? Secondly, we'd probably question the meaning of life even more than we do now. Try to wrap your mind around these two questions as you read on.

Many people have a favorite film that they watch time and time again without tiring of it. When viewing a movie for the second time, it is likely that you will notice things that you missed the first time around. After that, you already know the story. There is nothing new. Maybe you could even retell the entire sequence by then. Still, you watch it repeatedly. This isn't a live performance where there is a probability of variation in each show. This is recorded material that will never change. You are looking at the same exact thing every single time, but you still enjoy it. What more is there to see? Now picture living like that, except that you create the story. You would already know everything before it occurs every day because you planned it. Everything would go your way. I surely would NOT enjoy that. What's the matter with me? Do I not want to live a life of infinite perfection? Surprise! I absolutely do not. The lack of that kind of control is what makes life worth living to me, personally. You and I have experienced the effects of the unexpected; the good and the bad. We are probably more familiar with what we don't want than what we do. Some outcomes opened doors that would have remained shut, had certain events not taken place at specific times in history.

"...Negative emotions". What is a negative emotion really? If you ask anyone that question, my guess is that their answer will include some synonym of fear, anger, and/or sadness.  Almost everywhere you look, happiness is being promoted. There are numerous articles, television programs, advertisements, and books that revolve around the concept of happiness and how to attain it. Why? Because everyone wants to be permanently happy. That's the simplest answer. Due to the fact that everyone has a different idea of what happiness is, there isn't one definite source of an answer as to how to achieve it. Surprisingly, there are Internet articles which offer instruction on how to be angry, but I have to yet to find a book enthusiastically titled 101 Ways To Blow Your Top Today, an article titled 5 Easy Steps To Becoming The Saddest You'll Ever Be, or anything titled Stop Being Brave and Magnify Your Fears: A step-by-step guide to materializing your deepest terrors. It is clear that people don't like these emotions; and anything that one dislikes is probably regarded as a negative thing or idea in one's mind.

This post has no sure answers or explanations. There are a lot of seemingly unfinished thoughts. I've only set this up though. I'm just leaving these open thoughts here for you to explore. Let us revisit the two questions at the beginning of this post. By now, you probably have a more clear response in mind than you did at first. I would rather live with the balance of all emotions than to only know one. I would also rather go through valleys and climb mountains than to walk the flats forever. What would you prefer if you could choose? Feel free to leave a comment with your response to the two questions. I would love to know what you think!

This is your mind's playground.



  1. Indigo, I really enjoyed reading your blog. I too would agree with your choice of living through the balance/ valley of emotions. Life is all about checks and balances, strength and weakness, pros and cons. As we transition throughout our lives we are supposed to be learning and growing. Walking flats forever would be boring. Do you remember the movie called "Truman show?" Truman was born on the set of a television show. His entire life was filmed live and his world was perfect or as one would say "Walking flats." One day one of the staged light fixtures fell on the set and that was the begining to Truman's adventure to finding out that there was so much more in life. We always want what we cannot have, when we get what we want, we are still not satisfied. Giving me life's challenges and perfect imperfections. 😉

    1. Hi, Krystal! I'm so glad that you enjoyed my content. Thank you for reading! What a great response and comparison! Great, valid point.


      Indigo :)

  2. Hey, it's Krystina.

    I really enjoyed your post and I agree that knowing everything that's going to happen in your life would be quite boring, but not knowing is also something that's quite scary. Luckily, there's always an inbetween where we can use our imagination and simply think of where our future is leading us. Although, that doesn't do me much good because it leads me to overthink. When I overthink, I worry and worrying is something that tends to carry up much space in my mind.

    To answer your question, I would also like to live a life with a balance of emotions. Although being happy is amazing, it's good to be able to express our anger, sadness, etc.

    Once again, thank you for sharing this with me.

    1. Hi, Krystina!

      Thank you so much for reading my post and sharing your perspective! I'm so delighted to hear that you enjoyed it. I agree that the unknown can be scary. Also, yes, overthinking has a snowball effect and it is a tough battle to fight; especially when it is already in progress. I'm currently working on being present. That will be the subject of another post in the near future. Great answer! I really appreciate your comment and I hope you find treasures in my future posts.

      -Indigo :)

  3. Indigo I enjoyed this blog it made me think about something I rarely think about. I would have to go with never planning anything because if I went with what the old me wanted I wouldn't have became who I am today, or did the things I have to come out of my comfort zone or crossed paths with the amazing people I have in this past year. So not knowing what the future has in store for me is much better than knowing life would be so dull.

    1. Hey, Lisset!

      Thank you! Nice answer! You have a great point there. Every experience we have, be it expected, unexpected, positive, or negative, shapes us in to who we currently are. Speaking of crossing paths with amazing people, meeting you is an example of the wonderful, unexpected happenings in life! I'm grateful for that.


      Indigo :D


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